Medical Care for You & Yours

Proudly serving the Skagit Valley

Important Announcement: Valley Roots providers move to Family Care Network on May 1

 After a great deal of thought and consideration, we have decided to close the doors on Valley Roots as of April 30 and join the fabulous team at Family Care Network’s North Cascade Family Physicians on May 1. We love what we built at Valley Roots, but the demands of operating it on our own in such a complex healthcare environment was taking too much energy away from what we love most - caring for our patients. 

Please carefully review the attached letter HERE for more details about the transition and the insurance plans accepted at FCN.

 Thank you for being a part of Valley Roots Family Care. We appreciate each and every one of you.

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Our Team

We’re dedicated to providing you with quality family medicine in an intimate setting.


Our Hours

Monday through Friday
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
1:40 PM - 4:30 PM

Saturday and Sunday

Trust, reassurance, continuity, and availability are the only ways to ensure that the best care is provided in a timely and reasonable manner without missing important clues pointing toward greater health issues. Our approach involves making every effort to reinforce the outstanding steps that patients are already taking on their own accord. I count it as an immense privilege to be in a profession that allows science and humanity to blend seamlessly.

— Dr. David Benson